7 Benefits of Group Fitness Classes 

1. Motivation and Inspiration
2. Accountability
3. Learn Fitness Skills
4. Find Community Support
5. Try Different Types of Workouts
6. Have Fun
7. Reduce Stress

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Our Classes 

Fusion Lift: This class is all about old-school heavy lifting and building strength with simple, effective movements. Each class features a compound barbell exercise, along with other tried-and-true strength exercises using dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, and more.
Fusion Fit: In this class we will go through full body workouts as well as getting your blood pumping with some fun cardio in between. We use many dynamic movements to make sure every muscle is hit during your workout. This is a great class whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete.
TRX Fusion: Ready to challenge your workouts with high intensity, powerful movements at faster tempos? This class has 30 – 60 second timed interval sets combining TRX, traditional strength training and cardio drills. Guaranteed to keep your heart rate pumping and burning mega calories while you’re engaged in intense body conditioning. 
Fusion Fire: Fusion Fire is a total body athletic performance workout that emphasizes agility, coordination, speed, and strength in all planes of motion. Every workout is a different adventure - you'll push sleds, swing ropes, flip tires, and more! 
Boxing Fitness: Our Boxing Fitness Program is a whole-body workout that adds aerobic and anaerobic intensity, overall body strengthening, extreme calorie burn and mental toughness. It takes the best aspects of workouts used by some of the world’s most finely conditioned athletes - boxers. It combines them into a fitness program that is safe for anyone looking for a fun workout. With Fitness Boxing, you train like a boxer with or without the full contact sparring.
HIIT Fusion:  This High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) class will put you through quick intense bursts of exercises that incorporate bodyweight and weighted movement followed by short active recovery periods. This class gets and keeps your heart rate up while burning lots of calories in a short amount of time. 

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